02 Jul 5 misconceptions of HR
When you think HR, do you think positively or negatively?
Here at The Headspace Bureau, we know that there are common misconceptions when it comes to HR, and we’re here to bust those myths for you. Here are what we consider to be the top 5 misconceptions, and our reasons as to why they are not true.
HR is all about hiring and firing
Whilst hiring and firing does come with the territory, it’s a small part of a vast role that involves many other elements.
Believe it or not, the HR department doesn’t set out to remove people from the business. They would much rather create an HR strategy that unlocks employees potential, and allows businesses to ensure they are developing people whilst achieving their commercial goals.
It’s all about having an improved and optimised relationship.
They care about the company more than the employees
Caring about employees is at the heart of what we do.
It’s a common misconception that if something were to happen in the workplace, that HR would immediately take the side of the employer.
This is not the case.
HR works to bridge the gap between the employer and employee, and whilst conflict resolution isn’t the main element of the job, HR sets out to find the best resolution for all involved.
It’s all about social events
This is a fun one that tends to come up often. It’s often thought HR is all about running the social events for a company – the Summer and Christmas parties.
Whilst this can fall under the responsibility of the HR department, it’s much deeper than just running social events.
HR has a lot of responsibility when it comes to encouraging a company’s culture to develop. There are many elements to this, and social events can fall under it. It’s more about creating a culture in which employees can thrive, develop and be rewarded for their hard work.
All their work is admin
Okay, so admin does come into the role quite heavily – from contracts to policies and procedures, it’s easy to see how this misconception has come about.
But there is so much more to HR than admin.
It can involve providing training for employees or a listening ear for an individual going through a hard time. There are also strategies to put in place, coming up with creative solutions to company problems and encouraging engagement from employees.
It’s too expensive to invest in
It’s important to note that this one is aimed at businesses specifically.
Some businesses’ HR is too expensive and not worth the investment for their business. Or in a time of financial crisis, it could be the first department to go as it isn’t seen as valuable.
It is often the businesses that have a HR strategy and team in place that are thriving – and so this could not be less true. If businesses don’t want to manage the ongoing costs of in-house HR, you can hire companies like The Headspace Bureau, who can work virtually – allowing business to allocate budget only when it’s needed, on an interim basis to cover the level they require.
To sum up – many of those misconceptions you’ve heard over the years are not quite true. Whilst the world of work continues to change and adapt on such a rapid basis, it’s important to have an HR team that supports a business and its employees, to protect the needs of the team and drive profit and growth through people.